Take Action
How can you help secure our elections, restore public confidence,
and begin healing our nation?
Here’s a start…
Most of these suggestions take less than a minute of your time.
1.Sign our online Petition. If you prefer a hard copy, then print and sign our Petition and mail to: Southern Utahns for Transparency; 782 S. River Rd. #88; St. George, UT 84790. When we have enough petitions, they’ll be presented to county officials.
2. Ask others to sign the Petition: Share this website via social media, emails, texts, etc; or make hard copies of the Petition above and get them to neighbors, co-workers, friends, family, etc.
3. Learn more at these events: Don’t miss “Restoring Trust in Elections”. For details and a flyer to print or share online , click here.
4. Attend your city council meetings, along with Washington County Commission meetings.
Find out when your city council meets, and consider giving public comment calling for hand-counted ballots. [Do the same for Washington County Commission meetings. Mark your calendar for the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month in County Chambers (111 E. Tabernacle; St George, Top Floor). Public comment likely starts at 3:30pm, but call to confirm the latest changes: 435-634-5700.
Here are the 2023 dates:
January 17th
February 7th & 21st
March 7th & 21st
April 4th & 18th
May 2nd & 16th
June 6th & 20th
July 18th
August 1st & 15th
September 5th & 19th
October 17th
November 7th & 21st
December 5th & 19th
5. Help educate others about election integrity via local newspapers, talk radio, or social media. Here are just 2 examples:
-Send an editorial to the Spectrum at: Send a Letter to the Editor | St. George Spectrum (thespectrum.com)
-Call in to KDXU 92.5 FM on Fridays from 9-10am at 435-673-5890
6. Pray and/or fast for local officials and citizens to help us secure our elections and restore public trust.
7. Email your local officials asking them to secure elections and restore public trust. Clicking the links below make it easy to send a pre-written email (or better yet, write your own!)
Email your Washington County Board of Canvassers & their alternates:
Email Washington County Election Clerk, plus Election Supervisor:
Email State Legislators that serve Washington County:
Senator Ipson: DIpson@le.utah.gov
Senator Vickers: EVickers@le.utah.gov
Senator Owens: DOwens@le.utah.gov
Repr. Walt Brooks: WBrooks@le.utah.gov
Repr. Colin Jack: CJack@le.utah.gov
Repr. Joseph Elison: JElison@le.utah.gov
Repr. Neil Walter : NWalter@le.utah.gov
Email your city mayor and council members:
For their addresses, do an easy internet search for “mayor & council in Utah” with your CITY name. Ask them to restore public trust in elections in 2023 with a return to hand-counted ballots at the city level as was done in America for over 200 years (and as many European nations have switched back to).