Election Integrity
July 18, 2022 - Audit
What election problems were exposed
at Washington County’s 7/18/22 Audit?
Election Integrity is Non-Partisan and Public Trust is at All-Time Lows
Has “The Left” warned Americans about hackable elections even more than “The Right”? Has a majority of America across all parties lost trust in our elections? What about in Washington County - have most voters here lost faith?
Election Machines
Can we trust the ES&S machines used
to count our ballots in Washington County?
CVR Analysis
Why do we need full CVR analysis
and how can it check for
election fraud in Washington County?
Cindy Butler, Professional Statistician
Watch her 8/11/22 presentation beginning at hour 02:17:18, with these highlights:
—02:19:45 what is a CVR?
--02:22:30 examples with no statistical evidence of ballot-stuffing or digital manipulation
--02:27:00 examples WITH statistical evidence of ballot-stuffing or digital manipulation
--02:45:30 how statisticians can easily search for election fraud in your County
May 13, 2022
Utah Canvass Report
Where can I learn more about the door-to-door Canvass done across Utah which found that 13% of respondents had an election issue?
(Lost votes, ineligible votes, phantom votes, etc.)
December 13, 2022
Utah Statewide Election Audit
The 12/13/22 Audit documents over 80 pages of problems with Utah elections, including the following:
--p. 17: “Among all the voter records we reviewed, we found that 8% of all records contained mismatching information.”
--p. 20: “The Lt. Governor’s Office did NOT ensure deceased-voter records were removed as required by statute… The LG’s Office has NOT been providing this oversight.”
--p. 25: “There was a MISMATCH between ballots counted and voter credit assigned in 22 [of 29] counties”
--p. 39: “Eight states conduct vote-by-mail elections... Our audit found that Utah’s guidelines and standards for signature verification are not as clear as those used in other states.”
--p. 51: “Utah’s current ballot audit...does NOT provide a direct confirmation... that the candidates with the most votes won.” Our “post-election audit... lacks the ability to validate election results...[and] does NOT confirm that the candidates with the most votes won the election.”
What election problems were exposed in the Statewide “Audit of Utah’s Election System”?
Utah’s 2023 Legislature:
Did they make elections MORE secure or LESS secure?
How can we secure our elections, restore public trust, and heal our nation one city & county at a time?
Along with checks for ballot-stuffing (via CVR Analysis and Canvassing), we should prevent software errors and digital manipulation by returning to hand-counted elections. For over twenty years, countless cyber-security experts on both The Left and The Right have warned that America’s electronic election systems are vulnerable to outside interference. One important solution is hand-counted elections, which were successfully done in America for over two centuries. ENTIRE NATIONS across Europe (plus Canada, Israel, and more) have switched back to hand-counting, and a few U.S. cities and counties have already made the switch too. Washington County needs to do the same in 2023.
There are many accurate hand-count methods. To see demonstrations of various methods, click here
Accuracy Studies: Hand-counts vs. Machine-counts
Are hand-counts accurate? What do studies show at M.I.T., Univ. of Calif Berkeley, Rice University, and more? And what are the error rates for machine counts? Which counties have already found massive problems with their machine counts?
Hand-Count Success in Washington County!
What can I find details about the 100% accurate hand-counts done within minutes in Washington County's Sept. 2023 Elections?
Other Election Integrity Successes in Utah
What recent progress has been made towards improving elections in Utah, and especially in Washington County?